The Miracle of the Holy House Of Loreto Federico Catani
In the hill country of central Italy, on the Musone River just south of Ancona and near the Adriatic coast, lies the town of Loreto. This humble place has the immense privilege of hosting one of the most important relics of Christianity: the Holy House of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In fact, here are preserved the three walls within which God became man and our Redemption began. In that dwelling, Our Lady was conceived, born and received the announcement of the Archangel Gabriel. She also lived there with Jesus and her husband, Saint Joseph.
The Shrine of Loreto, as Pope John Paul II wrote, is the "first sanctuary of international importance dedicated to the Virgin Mary and, for several centuries, the true Marian heart of Christianity."
It is also a perpetual miracle, which still raises questions and curiosity. How can one prove that the three walls are indeed those of the Holy Family's House? How did they come from Nazareth to Italy? Was it the work of angels or crusaders? Did the House come directly to Loreto or did it stop in other locations? What about the importance
of the Holy House, or Casa Sancta, in the struggle between Christendom and Islam? What miracles have occurred in connection with the Holy House of Loreto, and which saints and famous people have visited it?
This book will answer these questions and highlight this treasure chest of history, faith and tradition, which Italy has the grace preserve.