Keeper of the Celtic Secrets Betty Rhodes
WRITTEN AS A BOOK OF FICTION - BUT IS IT??? Revealed in this book, is the mystery behind the Missing Link, the answer to the 'creation or evolution' question, the origins of the races, the origins of Rh-Negative blood; the Red Thread, the Origin of the Hebrew people, the wandering planet of Hibiru - yes, Hibiru, and much more. See, how patterns can reveal the future, what the Garden of Eden really was, and learn about the ancient Gods of Sumer, the Mazzaroth trail, and much more. This book has a heart wrenching love story, and is full of mystery, danger, and excitement, but more importantly, it contains the unveiling of secret knowledge from some old secret journals. Journals, scribed in 1650, have passed down to 'the keeper of the secrets', Samantha O'Brian, who decides to share these amazing secrets with the world. These secrets will open your eyes to wisdom so astounding, that you won't believe your eyes.