Burning Shaolin Robin D. Laws
...this is one demon in dire need of some Kung Fu butt kicking!
Burning Shaolin is a dual-system d20/Feng Shui adventure, the first in the Coriolis line of dual-system roleplaying game supplements. It includes:
* Complete rules for playing the scenario with either an existing 6th- to 8th-level d20 group, or beginning Feng Shui characters.
* New d20 rules for fast-paced action movie-style combat: "Faceless Horde" rules provide large groups of opponents for the heroes to bowl quickly through, in large part to show off how buff the PCs are; the wuxia combat rules let d20 characters defy gravity and perform the stunts Feng Shui is known for.
* New d20 goodies: Mushroom Men that explode when mistreated, Demon Monks, poisonous Demon Ichor, the rod of lingering agony, and wondrous flying coffins powered by those imprisoned within.
* Kung Fu butt kicking action!