In My Seat: A Pilot's Story from September 10th-11th by Megan Ann Scheibner, Steve Scheibner (Afterword)
Steve Scheibner went to bed September 10, 2001, with his bags packed and ready to go. He was scheduled to be the pilot on American Airlines Flight 11 the next day. When he woke in the morning, however, a rare last-minute substitution meant someone else would pilot that planethe first plane that hit the World Trade Center on 9/11.In My Seat is Steves true story, as told by his wife, Megan. This new edition includes a study guideperfect for personal use or small groupsto help you recognize your own story. Steve knows firsthand what it means to have someone else die in his placenot once but twice. His powerful and moving testimony of Gods providence will inspire you to examine your own life in light of eternity: Are you a Borrowed-Time Believer or a Someday Saint? Can you find hope and peace even in the midst of tragedy?